PCR Test Results, are they reliable?

1. BOARD CERTIFIED Dr. Sam Bailey explains the failings behind the use of the PCR test to diagnose a disease – covid19.  (11:47)

2. In this short documentary trailer, you will hear the late Nobel Peace Prize winner Kary Mullins (inventor of the PCR test) indicating that using the PCR test is useless to determine a diagnostic result. (7:55)

3. This video explains why cycle threshold (CT) settings above 35 will give erroneous results. Governmental labs have been instructed to use CT settings above 35 (reports state setting of 40 to 45 are used) so that a high number of false-positive results can be obtained. It is important to note when you use the setting in the rages described (40-45) the error results rate is as high as 90%.  You are encouraged to listen to the good Dr Fauci on this topic at position 6:40 (10:34)

4. Here we have two politicians discussing the reliability of PCR testing. You will notice the gentleman delivers his points using clinical facts with references from sources of authority that disprove using PCR tests as an accurate indicator. On the other hand, the woman responds with platitudes and talking points. Listen to her main point of reasoning that received applause, “what else do we use, we have to be seen doing something to protect the public?” (summary) So with her reasoning, if we use a test kit with as much as 90% error rate, this justifies locking people up and shutting down an entire economy (only a dummy would accept this flawed reasoning). Why not let us use what worked for thousands of years, let the sick stay home, or get treatment if they feel unwell? (3:33)

5. The PCR test is being used to diagnose people to say they have covid19. Kary Mullis was the inventor of the PCR test and he won a Nobel Peace Prize for his invention. He said in interviews that his test was not designed to diagnose any disease (covid). Some years ago he also challenged Dr Fauci to a debate and he (Fauci) refused. Thank you AnOmaly for this video, and please support him by purchasing his merchandize. | Get “Dancing Naked in the Mind Field” on Amazon (10:49)

Questions for Governments:
1. The inventor of the PCR test is saying it should not be used to diagnose a disease, why then are governments diagnosing people with a disease with this device?

2. What are the rated test cycles used for PCR confirmation results in your Government’s labs? (is it set higher than Cycle Threshold/Amplification (CT) 35? maybe you should find out)

3. If your Government is using a test with a greater than 50% error rate to lock people up, do you not think you should get answers as to why? (this should be seen as a crime)

4. Again, it has been proven that PCR testing has a 50-90% false-positive rate – see presentations 9 & 10. If this is the case how can governments justify locking down a county and its economy based on this degree of error? 

5. The PCR test CANNOT distinguish between corona or flu viruses (antigens), why then are Governments only calling it covid19? Due to this failure in PCR testing, on July 1, 2021, the CDC issued a LAB ALERT to discontinue the use of this test. The CDC is now recommending a test that has a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses (corona/flu). SHOWING: The CDC lab alert to discontinue the PCR test  |  Just in case CDC page removed Download lab alert Here

Emit.Zone Commentary: 
In short, the PCR test accuracy decreases significantly if a cycle threshold above 25-35 is used. Anything above 35 cycles gives you false results; as high as 90% false-positive results are being seen. To justify locking down a country or locking someone up using such an erroneous testing platform is nothing short of lunacy. THE GOVERNMENTS HAVE INSTRUCTED THEIR MEDICAL LABS TO USE CT SETTINGS AT 40 AND ABOVE (watch presentation 4 above).We can only describe this as a crime.

SHOWING: Clinical paper that shows as much as 50% plus false-positive rate with PCR test

WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has A ‘Problem’

SHOWING (NEW & BIG): Canadian National in Aug 2021 won a court case against the Government that was unable to produce the covid19 antigen (hoax). Showing that the covid19 virus was NEVER isolated. See Presentation 2. 

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Kary Mullis was a scientist of boundless curiosity, he refuses to accept any proposition based on secondhand or hearsay evidence, and always looks for the “money trail” when scientists make announcements. Get “Dancing Naked in the Mind Field” on Amazon


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