Geo Engineering

GeoEngineering. It’s not a subject spoken about much.  Mention it, and all you get are blank stares. But what is GeoEngineering, really? What does it do? You won’t find it in your curriculum, but after you dive into these videos, you’ll be asking yourself why. Why isn’t anyone teaching us about manipulating the weather, about engineering our atmosphere? You’ll walk away smarter than you were before, armed with knowledge that “they” don’t want you to have. And then, you’ll understand why this subject is kept out of the mainstream.

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1.  Kristen Meghan, a former U.S. Air Force officer who specialized in bioenvironmental engineering, has come forward with allegations that the U.S. government is involved in weather modification through the use of hazardous chemicals, a practice often referred to as “chemtrails.” (4:23)

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2. What Geo Engineering looks like and what it has done to our atmosphere and weather – (2:55)

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Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project
Every applicable government agency and almost all mainstream media outlets claim that chemtrails are merely a ‘conspiracy theory.’ They say that the lines in the sky are harmless condensation trails and that jet aircraft have always produced emissions that can linger in the sky for hours as they spread out and form a hazy cloud-cover. They say that anybody who asserts that aircraft are routinely spraying us with toxic materials is crazy. If this is so, then why are we consistently seeing anomalously high levels of toxins in rainwater samples as well as in ambient air samples? Why are there hundreds of scientists and scores of scientific organizations advocating for spraying substances from aircraft and calling it ‘geoengineering?’ Why is there a world-famous PhD scientist who has, in a long series of peer-reviewed journal articles, made the case for chemtrails and shown detailed evidence of their harmful effects? How do we have whistleblowers from the Air Force and the Environmental Protection Agency?

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