On this page, we honor the individuals who have made a significant difference over the past few years. As you’re likely aware, these last years have been anything but ordinary. The world witnessed an unprecedented rise in deaths, prompting questions: Was it COVID? Climate change? Heatwaves?

No—this crisis was driven by a small, powerful group that has quietly controlled much of what shapes our daily lives: food, medicine, media, energy, and more. While their actions brought turmoil, a courageous few rose to challenge them with information of truth.

These brave individuals risked their lives and livelihoods for the sake of their fellow human beings. Why? Out of love for their neighbors, they took a stand.

Today, they stand tall.
Today, we celebrate them.
We at the Emit.Zone THANK YOU.

Dr. Sam Bailey loving her neighbor

Responsive YouTube Video

1. Dr. Sam Bailey – Exposing the Plan to EXTORT Dr Sam. (6:02)

Dr. Bailey we love what you have being doing and the EmitZone thank you.


Dr Martin loving his neighbor

Responsive YouTube Video

2.  <content>

Dr Martin we thank you for your love and we deeply appreciate your strong words of truth. May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob watch over you and keep you safe

GMO foods – Most of the foods in the Caribbean originate out of American factories where the biology is changed into dangerous well-packaged poisons.

Dr. John Campbell loving his neighbor

Responsive YouTube Video

2. GMO foods – The Brave Dr. John Campbell talks about the Toxic foods that come out of the USA being fed to Caribbean people. Right now on the island of Barbados, they are experiencing a crisis level of NCDs. This should hurt. (13:06)

Dr Martin we thank you for your love and we deeply appreciate your strong words of truth. May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob watch over you and keep you safe

GMO foods – Most of the foods in the Caribbean originate out of American factories where the biology is changed into dangerous well-packaged poisons.

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SEE ALSO – It is Not a Vaccine | No to Vaccines | Summary on Covid | Doctors share on adverse reactions (presentations 11 to 16)

MORE TOPICS  – Visit our Information Page. 

This website was put together and paid for out of Love for our fellow man. If you have found it helpful we encourage you to support us by clicking on the “Support Us” tab at the top of this page. May God bless you and share this information with as many people as possible. 

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