The Gig is Up!

1. Dr. Peter McCullought keeps repeating “something is up” (the gig) to Tucker Carlson. This interview is very revealing and it shows nothing makes sense if we think the powers that be are nice people.  (42:29)

2. Dr. Mercola makes shocking covid19 shot predictions. (44:12) – AMAZON “The Truth about COVID-19” By Dr. Joseph Mercola & Ronnie Cummins 

3. Dr. Scott Jenson lays in on we are being played. (1:51)

Here are some questions we should ask ourselves.

  1. Why is there no conversation about alternate treatments?
  2. Why would the information on treatments be suppressed?
  3. Why would an established and prestigious organization like Lancet allow a fake report to go public?
  4. Why would we expose unborn children in the mother’s womb to an experimental device? – It is not a vaccine
  5. Why would we expose babies and young children to an experimental device?
  6. Why would we give a “device” to someone that already caught covid and developed anti-bodies?
  7. Why would doctors be locked up for using a drug that can save a person’s life? – More Information 
  8. Why is medical science not making any sense anymore in our world?

    and maybe Dr. Mercola is right (see Viral Immune Escape). 

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Robert F. Kennedy shows in “The Real Anthony Fauci” how Fauci working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans (and the world) toward a single vaccine solution to COVID. Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations. Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. Visit this page that shows how doctors were warned not to treat their patients against the ravages of covid. This is a diabolical and sinister practice that was used to STOP doctors, which resulted in thousands of lives being lost. Get “The Real Anthony Fauci” on Amazon.

SEE ALSOIt is not a Vaccine | Viral Immune Escape is coming | Results of Vaccine Clinical Studies | No to Vaccines | Summary on Covid | Doctors share on adverse reactions (presentations 11 to 16)

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