Since 2020 we have been subjected to lies and doctored data from the medical authorities. Is it the first time? We invite you to listen to other doctors as they look at the AIDs phenomenon. You will find the lies did not start with covid19.
This information is not shared with the public, but pay close attention to the following facts that are not disputed. As you listen the truth will be revealed.
The truth is (facts):
1. AIDS is a true condition.
2. There is no scientific proof that HIV leads to AIDS.
3. Only homosexual men that came down with AIDS in the early years all tested positive for illegal drug use.
4. Homosexual men that never used illegal drugs have never contracted AIDS.
5. HIV test kits do not look for a virus, they only test for antibodies.
6. No retrovirus kills cells (only “HIV” says the non-scientific group of so-called Doctors)
7. There are people that come down with AIDS that never tested positive for HIV
8. Because there is no standardized test for HIV antibodies, your blood test can be positive in one country and negative in the next.
9. Africa and America have two different protocols for the diagnosis of HIV positive.
WARNING: Having sex (or knowing) with multiple persons for the fun of it is not recommended. Intimacy requires a lifelong commitment if you are going to be in the Kingdom of God. These presentations are for those that have an ear to hear.
1. Doctors speak about the truth behind HIV / AIDS | As you watch this THINK Covid19 (13:59)
2. Dr. David Rasnick shares the DATA on HIV / AIDS findings (50:04)
3. This is a debate with Dr. Peter Duesberg and other doctors involved in the treatment of AIDS. You will get to hear both sides of the debate – this is what real science should be about. (1:13:13)
Coming out of this debate you will hear the following and more:
a. No clinical research was done to explore if, why, or how HIV leads to AIDS.
b. A study shows AIDS test kits (including PCR) do NOT work.
c. The drug AZT used to treat HIV-positive patients acted like a poison that destroyed the DNA cells.
d. Censorship and maligning of doctors (Dr. Peter Duesberg) that are not singing the narrative by the mainstream media and medical establishment.
Listen carefully and you would hear what is said and done running in parallel to the current message on covid19 (never isolated), Remdesivir treatments (poison), and the censorship of doctors that speak differently to the narrative of Big Pharma – Nothing new, just a replay.
4. Dr. Leonard (Len) Horowitz shares on the plagues that we are seeing in these last days – the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies – Pay attention to what he says about “Little Beast”. Get his books “Emerging Viruses” | “Healing Codes For The Biological Apocalypse” | and the Healing Celebrations on Amazon. (56:09)
5. A Stephen Allen film exposes the lies behind the HIV INVENTION. After 40 BILLION plus spent on HIV/AIDS and there is still no cure. Hmmmm, maybe the scientists are on the WRONG track. (1:56:34)
6. Dr Sam Bailey exposes the HIV to AIDS lies – Pt 1 (40:42)
7. Dr Sam Bailey exposes the HIV to AIDS lies – Pt 2 (33:24)
8. Dr Robert Willner shares about the lies in the Pharma industry on HIV/AIDS. To prove his point he is the doctor that placed the blood of AIDS diagnosed people into his own arms. He died (killed) a few months later after this presentation – Get his book Deadly Deception on Amazon. (1:13:36)
9. HIV-AIDS: The Greatest Lie of 21st Centurys – Pt 2 (6:09)
It is safe to say the Big Pharma industry is driven by cash and profits. They have no moral compass or any care for people, should they live or die – Watch these documentaries and stories to learn more about the Pharma industry (at the bottom of the page you will see the many lawsuits incurred by this industry as a result of BAD medicine)
For Consideration:
If you medically treat someone based on a made-up conclusion (diagnosis), how does it end? T H I N K.
WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? This information on HIV/AIDS is parallel to what we are seeing with covid19/vaccines/lies. With the mainstream media silent, with social media platforms censoring the people from sharing the truth, we have to share this information at the grassroots level. We have to get the message out by sharing the information with our families, friends, and associates. Knowledge gives us the power to survive, without it, we will be destroyed. If you believe you have an honest doctor that is open to the truth and willing to change from the evils of Pharma, share this with him/her too. It is written.
Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
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Do Viruses actually Exist?
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Brent Leung shows in “House of Numbers – DVD” what is HIV? What is AIDS? What is being done to cure it? The HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten, and this is the first film to present the uncensored views of many of the major players.. Get “House of Numbers” on Amazon.
Testimonial on Amazon (Julian)
“House of Numbers is a masterpiece! It’s a treasure of information. I think Brent W. Leung did a fair and objective investigation into this subject. I have heard a myriad of different positions on HIV/AIDS and in my own research, I have come to many of the same conclusions made in this video–it just makes total sense! I applaud Mr. Leung and all involved, for this fine piece of work.”
Robert F. Kennedy shows in “The Real Anthony Fauci” how Fauci working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans (and the world) toward a single vaccine solution to COVID. Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations. Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. Visit this page that shows how doctors were warned not to treat their patients against the ravages of covid. This is a diabolical and sinister practice that was used to STOP doctors, which resulted in thousands of lives being lost. Get “The Real Anthony Fauci” on Amazon.
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