1. Government-trained OSHA mask experts Tammy Clark & Kristen Meghan join Del in-studio to break down vital info on masks, PPE, and their role in #Covid19 prevention. Every adult on this planet wearing a mask needs to hear this riveting discussion. (39:15)
*OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration
2. Dr. Ted Noel exposes the ineffectiveness of Cloth masks. This visually confirms masks do not work. This doctor puts this unscientific practice we are asked to do to rest. MASKS DO NOT WORK (2:55)
3. This firefighter decided to give a visual experiment after seeing video 4 on this page. He proved that our oxygen levels drop below the required levels. (7:22)
4. This is a great video from BRIAN STAVELY. He shows you how Face Masks are in violation of OSHA Federal Laws using their fully functioning & calibrated OSHA certified testing equipment. This is why more people have died from wearing face masks this year in the USA, than have died from this year’s common flu called COVID-19. (2:28)
5. Dr Campbell, we knew years ago that masks do not stop “viruses”, why apologize for pushing a lie? We need to call a spade a spade and stop going along with a narrative and agenda that is designed to enslave all of us to a few very rich men that need their heads examined.

6. Ask yourself this, if the mask does not protect you from covid19, why are you told to wear it? Maybe you love Kool-Aid OR maybe you have been lied to by Fauci
SEE ALSO – It is Not a Vaccine | No to Vaccines | Summary on Covid | Doctors share on adverse reactions (presentations 11 to 16)
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