Misinformation used by the Government of Barbados
The Government of Barbados under Prime Minister Mia Mottley was pushing the narrative that the unvaccinated are dying and spreading the delta variant. As of September 2021, they said ALL who died from covid-19 were UNVACCINATED. However, information was leaked proving that the vaccinated were dying. Here we provide step 1, before the leak, Step 2, leak exposed, and then step 3, adjustment made to the title to hide guilt.

Step 1 – Front page of paper highlighting the unvaccinated narrative.
Step 2 – Leak came out showing a number of people that died were vaccinated. Shared by an upset member of the public.

Step 3 – You will notice the change completely moves the title away from the unvaccinated narrative – EXPOSED.

The Government is also telling the people that the vaccines are safe. Here we were given permission to present a report from the QEH hospital from a 71-year-old friend of the Emit.Zone to show that Adverse Reactions to the Vaccines are occurring – EXPOSED. The name of the patient and the doctor was removed to protect the innocent. DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE THAT WAS INJURED OR DIED FROM A VACCINE, report it here.

The Government’s public relations claims that the mRNA and DNA type injections are “similar” to the vaccines that Barbadians were given as children and willingly took as adults. Tragically, this answer by the Government is an outright lie that has deceived many into getting injected – EXPOSED. The truth is that mRNA and DNA injections are new technology. The rapid spread of COVID-19 meant that the normal long-term clinical trials, which are necessary to identify long-term side effects, were never done. REM: The injections were approved for emergency use only. This is completely understandable. The Government’s responsibility was to simply tell the public the truth. Each person could then decide whether they wanted to risk the known consequences of getting COVID-19, or the unknown consequences of taking the injections. On Moderna’s website, they do not even call the injectable liquid vaccines, they are called OPERATING SYSTEMS. To learn more about this biological operating system watch and read HERE. | WE NOW HAVE CLEAR VISIBLE EVIDENCE SHOWING WHAT IS IN THE VACCINE – Watch No.9
Leaders around the world have been paid either directly or indirectly millions of dollars by Big Pharma to push misinformation to the people. The New South Wales, Australian Premier, Gladys Berejiklian is the first to be caught in these dealings. It is said she resigned over an investigation to do with a lover; Ask This: When was the last time a woman politician resigned over a love affair? Thank you Clive Palmer for bringing this to our attention – Listen to His Presentation; a man of the people. This same misinformation that was given to the people of Australia is also being pushed in BARBADOS. If you are reading this and you have access to the Barbados Government’s financial records (or any Minister in parliament that is part of this evil scheme) that looks suspect, please email it to us at the Emit.Zone; send it to info@emit.zone (your contact info will be kept confidential / or use an alias email address) – Let us follow the money that comes into Barbados. We need to stop lies/misinformation. WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM THESE CRIMINALS.
Final on Politicians Resigning: President Trump of the USA was investigated up the wazoo, HE DID NOT RESIGN. Women are supposed to be “stronger” than men, do you still believe Gladys Berejiklian resigned over a love affair or what Clive Palmer revealed?
If a CEO is caught lying to the BOARD he will have to resign.
Lying brings a loss of confidence to the office, and the person in the position must remove themselves. Why?
If they are prepared to lie to you today, they will lie again tomorrow.
Emit.Zone calls on the Prime Minister of Barbados and all in her Government that is caught up in lying to the people, RESIGN.
WATCH: It is not a Vaccine | Understand how the Delta Variant was computer-generated – Presentation 1 (voodoo science) | Questions and Answers on Covid-19, Vaccines, PCR testing, and more
This website was put together and paid for out of Love for our fellow man. If you have found it helpful we encourage you to support us by clicking on the “Support Us” tab at the top of this page. May God bless you and share this information with as many people as possible.
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Robert F. Kennedy shows in “The Real Anthony Fauci” how Fauci working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans (and the world) toward a single vaccine solution to COVID. Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations. Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. Visit this page that shows how doctors were warned not to treat their patients against the ravages of covid. This is a diabolical and sinister practice that was used to STOP doctors, which resulted in thousands of lives being lost. Get “The Real Anthony Fauci” on Amazon.
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