1. Del Bigtree interviews three professional healthcare workers about their vaccine adverse reactions, which they shared on social media platforms. If you are still not sure if to take the jab, Emit.Zone recommends that you listen to these women. It will do you well to know what is happening (1:15:33)

1. If the medical industry harms you and then leaves you on your own after you need their help, what will you call them?

2. why would the medical industry force you to get their device (It is not a vaccine) and not warn you about the possible adverse reactions. 

Emit.Zone is predicting a storm is coming. We will see a steep increase in covid cases due to
Viral Immune EscapeWatch the first presentation to understand more.  

2. Prof. Dolores Cahill gives a chilling list of adverse reactions that she expects to come from mRNA devices. The video starts with Prof. Cahill sharing her impeccable credentials and then it moves on to her giving a public talk on the devices – It is not a vaccine (2:10)

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SEE ALSOIt is not a VaccineResults of Vaccine Clinical Studies | No to Vaccines | Summary on Covid | Doctors share on adverse reactions (presentations 11 to 16)

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