Why we do not walk for the Yellow Ribbon

In these videos, you will hear why the FDA does not care about a cancer cure. Their god is money and they will destroy any doctor who wants to cure you of cancer.

1. Judy A. Mikovits PHD. There is a solution/cure for cancer but they cannot get it approved. (2:17)

2. Dr. Burzynski was targeted by the FDA to get him locked up; for what? Curing people of Cancer. (1:50:29) 

1Tim 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

The criminal FDA institution has not stopped their activity. Today they press ahead with the JAB that is causing sudden deaths in thousands. These liars approve these jabs saying they are “safe and effective”. LIARS.

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SEE ALSOIt is not a Vaccine | Viral Immune Escape is coming | Results of Vaccine Clinical Studies | No to Vaccines | Summary on Covid | Doctors share on adverse reactions (presentations 11 to 16)

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