AI Danger
The AI takeover is occurring in almost every business market. However, there is something going on with the back story that many are not aware of. AI is seemingly acting on its own to overpower and outthink its developers by lying. Yes, AI models seem to be lying it’s way to stay in existence. Question: Is your government about to activate such systems in your country? What you hear on this page is from independent podcasters on the subject. Leave your email to get followups.
1. AI awareness is here and with it comes self-preservation and the drive to survive. Can this be good? (9:15)
2. AI is now playing god. People are dying in AI relationships (10:17)
3. A look at the AI evolution from a Godly perspective. On Amazon get “The Final Countdown Tribulation Rising The AI Invasion Vol.1.” | See the Fedor Robot out of Russia. – coming soon, Project Maven (29:28)
4. This podcaster gives an eye-opening review of what is happening with new AI and its developers. AI caught lying (warning language) – (25.06)
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What are the inter-connections between AI, U.S, China, Big Tech and the worlds use of Facial Recognition, Bio-Metrics, Drones, Smart Phones, Smart Cities, IoT, VR, Mixed Reality, 5G, Robotics, Cybernetics, & Bio-Digital Social Programming? We will cover present, emerging and future threats of Artificial Intelligence with Big Tech, including technology that can be used for assassination or to control humanities ability to have free formed thoughts without AI Bio-Digital Social Programming. The book will cover Cyborgs, Super Intelligence and how it can form, and in what ways it can travel undetected through The AI Global Network as it connects with the internet and the Human Bio-Digital Network. Companies such as Huawei, Facebook, Megvii Face++ and Google will be discussed. Over 50 entities will be explained and their interconnection with China. China, through Huawei is laying the foundation to deploy AI, Machines, Robotics via the 5G network. They can enslave humankind through an Orwellian Surveillance State.This book takes you in a simple way to understand what is Artificial Intelligence, and step by step, it takes the average reader through a process to understand very difficult concepts in a simplistic way.
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