This presentation speaks for itself. The liberal universities have taken control of the message, and anyone believing that we live in a designed world made by a Creator (God) is no longer welcomed. You will be expelled. TTGM hopes that as you listen, you do not focus on the man (Ben Stein) but rather the message. Again, no man is perfect, so do not get distracted but rather focus on the message and listen to both sides of the story. Ben Stein does a good job in delivering what we think is a balanced documentary on the current affairs in liberal institutions of learning (1:37:59)

Ben Stein gives us an up-close look at how “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed – Books and DVD” removed smart new ideas from the classroom … What they forgot is that every generation has its Rebel! That rebel, Ben Stein (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) travels the world on his quest and learns an awe-inspiring truth that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure, and even fired for the crime of merely believing that there might be evidence of design in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance. To which Ben Says: Enough! And then gets busy. NOBODY messes with Ben… Get “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed ” on Amazon.

Testimonial on Amazon (Jeffrey Neis)
“As an educator for 38 years (now retired), I found this movie to be inspiring and mentally stimulating. Public education has lacked that for a long time. We should inspire our students to think outside the box, not to be programmed to think or believe a certain way. Asking the hard questions, that go against the “politically correct” way, is no longer encouraged (or allowed in many cases) in the educational setting. Even though the movie is a few years old now, the topics remain relevant today.”

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