Which one of these professions has the most naturally logical-thinking people? Dr Dhand compares the stats from 5000 people on Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, and Accountants.
1. DOCTORS are NOT Smart. Dr Suneel Dhand looks at what the stats say comparing, Lawyers, Doctors, Engineers, and Accountants. (5:27)
Comments from YouTube on the above video worth noting:
2 days ago
Engineers cannot afford to make mistakes while doctors cannot afford to speak the truth.
2 days ago
As an engineer, it is really refreshing to see a doctor like you in whom I have great respect. My relationship with my doctors is rarely a good one. I am 74 years old and take NO medications. I have fought off attempts to vaccinate me, to put me on statins, take cholesterol-lowering medications, and blood pressure medications, among others. My VA doctor said it was not possible to control my blood pressure with diet and exercise. That was over 10 years ago and I am still healthy and avoiding doctors. My BP, weight etc. are normal and I walk several miles each day. My wife of 52 years is the same. And she knows what is healthy for us to eat and prepares it well. My view is doctors are good with a knife if you have cancer, and can sew you back together after an accident, but other than that, I pretty much reject Western medicine and their snake oil. Thank you again for your honesty, intelligence, analytical skills, and sharing it all on Youtube!
2 days ago
I’m a uk educated psychiatrist and agree with you 100%. We are not selected for our ability to think independently or critically. My royal college is an exercise in left wing group-think.
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Robert F. Kennedy shows in “The Real Anthony Fauci” how Fauci working in tandem with his long-term partner, billionaire Bill Gates, to corral Americans (and the world) toward a single vaccine solution to COVID. Dr. Fauci committed zero dollars to studying or promoting early treatment with various drug combinations that could dramatically reduce deaths and hospitalizations. Meanwhile, in an assault on our First Amendment guarantee of free speech, Dr. Fauci’s Silicon Valley and media allies dutifully censored criticism of his policies on mainstream social media and collaborated to muzzle any medical information about therapies and treatments that might end the pandemic and compete with vaccines. Visit this page that shows how doctors were warned not to treat their patients against the ravages of covid. This is a diabolical and sinister practice that was used to STOP doctors, which resulted in thousands of lives being lost. Get “The Real Anthony Fauci” on Amazon.
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