THE COVID-19 DEBATE: Two Sides and the Elephant in the room.

One side of the debate has control over its narrative. They silence doctors by censoring them that do not blend into their narrative; they also control the mainstream media and social network messages to speak their narrative. What is their narrative? Only the vaccine will save us from covid-19 and when all the people in the world are vaccinated, can we go back to “normal”. The other side says different, they simply do not agree. One thing we think we can all agree on, there is some truth on both sides and both sides cannot be entirely right.

When we have two sides to the same story, we need to examine the evidence for ourselves. We will present the evidence and the findings by the available systems and we will include the qualified doctors that have been censored.

What is strangely ignored by the people that control the narrative is something called the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) [1]. The UK has a similar system called the Yellow Card Scheme (YCS)[2]. These systems report on death and adverse reactions to the vaccines being used. Let us go back to the two sides, one side is saying the vaccines are safe, while the other side is saying they are not. What do VAERS And YCS report? In the USA between Dec 2020 and July 2021, there were over 9,000 reported deaths and 430,000 adverse reactions after taking the vaccine[3]. In the UK their system reported over 10,000 deaths after vaccination and countless adverse reactions after taking the vaccine. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Research done in the past on the VAERS showed that only 1% of cases are reported to these systems, so if you extrapolate you can only come to one conclusion.

www.Emit.Zone – A voice for the censored doctors and people of this world.

Before we give these vaccinations to our defenseless children, all we will suggest is that the people of the Caribbean ask the following questions as you listen to the doctors that have been censored. These are board-certified doctors with years of experience and credentials in their respective fields. Do you not still get a second opinion before you decide on what you are going to do? The www.Emit.Zone was created in February 2021 by a concerned group to give these censored doctors a platform to share their message.

I think everyone can agree that we need to protect our children, they are our future. Let us protect our future.

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The foundation to the process of identifying cases is the PCR test. The PCR test was around for years and was invented by Nobel Peace Prize winner Kary Mullins.

Q1. Was the PCR test designed specifically to identify covid-19 only and not the flu?

If the person answers correctly (the PCR test was not designed for covid19 results, it will pick up ALL antigens – both flu and corona), the follow-up question should be; why are they taking the liberty to say that they are covid19 positive cases when it could just as well be the flu? This is called medical malpractice.

The inventor (Kary Mullins) of the test said that it was not designed to diagnose an illness or a disease – see presentation No 2 and hear the man yourself (also watch No.5). This is supported by other doctors – see No.1. The test cannot differentiate between the flu or corona.
Here are the presentations. 

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Q2. The Elephant in the room. There are now thousands of reports from people on the internet that show us the death and adverse reactions caused by some of these vaccines, why no mention of this is being made or examined by us here in the Caribbean? Why are our Caribbean media and Government silent on this elephant that is in the room?

Here is some info on what the vaccines are doing:

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In recent months India’s use of IVERMECTIN has declined their covid-19 case rates by as much as 97%. WHO gave guidance not to use this drug, but doctors are using it and finding that it works. See No 4 in the next link. As a matter of interest, you can also watch No 5 to understand how Hydroxychloroquine was collyfoxed to say to the world it does not work.

Q3. Why is it that we have a vaccine-only approach when there are tremendous gains being made in alternative treatments?

Here are presentations that show what treatments work – See No. 1, 2, 3, and 4. No. 5 shows collyfoxing.

Here is one story on the 97% success rate:

The Emit.Zone recommends you do your own searches with unfiltered and uncensored search engines like DuckDuckGo. The likes of Youtube, Google Chrome, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all heavily censored in the direction of the narrative (vaccinate everyone).

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Q4. All drugs from Pharma have side effects, if a person chooses to take the vaccine and they are injured or die who will compensate them and or their family for the damage done?

A. Caribbean gentleman from Trinidad speaks to this. See No. 7

A2. Here are three vaccine injured health care workers discussing their plight.


Q5. A recognized lab has discovered that the vaccine is reducing or wiping out our natural broad-spectrum anti-bodies, is this a condition that is recommended by our doctors? – See No 5. Also, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche Phd, DVM says this condition would lead to VIRAL IMMUNE ESCAPE (VIE) – See No 1 and watch the rest for a better understanding of VIE. NOTE: It is the condition that we are seeing today with vaccinated people getting sick with “covid the delta”.  Watch Presentations here. 



1 – VAERS in the USA.   

2 – Yellow Card in the UK 

3 – VAERS number of reported deaths and adverse reactions 

We leave all to reflect on these words.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” ― Edmund Burke

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